Today was one of those super hot summer days, but we ended up playing a few games in the yard when it cooled down a little. About a month back we looked at how to make this diy backyard bowling alley as well as the diy tic tac toe game. Have you ever tried playing board games with these giant diy yard dice?
I warned you that we will be making a whole lot of these diy summer backyard games. After researching these games, I am really surprised by how easy to make most of them are. Most of them just need a few affordable materials and about an hour of your time to set up. Boring summer afternoons, will now be a thing of the past on our homestead. Yay!
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- blocks of wood
- wood stain
- circle foam brush
- white paint
- sander
- miter saw
You are going to have to first decide whether you will be using pre-cut blocks, which are easier or do it the hard way and cut your own dice. Whatever you do make sure the surface is sanded down and smooth, before you stain the wood and add the ‘dots’. When painting the dots on, remember opposite sides must add up to 7. Using a real dice as a guide, will make things a lot less complicated.
You can get step by step instructions on the City Moms Blog, here…
You can watch the video below on DIY yard dice…
You can watch the video below on DIY Yardzee Yard Dice | Free Template and Scorecards…
You can watch the video below on How I Made a Set of Yard dice from a 4″ X 4″ Timber…