It is especially during the cold winter months, when you realize how valuable the hay you have for your livestock really is. For our goats we have built the diy plastic drum goat hay feeder, diy wood pallet goat hay feeder and the diy square bale goat hay feeder. However, I really want to try this diy storage container goat feeder I found on Pinterest the other day.
We have tried our fair share of homemade goat hay feeders over the years, all in an attempt to try minimize the amount of wasted hay. Of course, sometimes we just tried some of the designs because they were cheap. Only to find out later that they actually result in more hay been wasted than the previous feeder. Oh well, we live and learn right?
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- 20 gallon storage container with lid
- handheld drill
- hole saw attachment
- tape measure
- marker
The other reason why I want to try this particular feeder, is because it seems like a pretty easy project. Basically, you measure and mark where you want the holes to be around the sides. After the measurements are done, you can then drill the holes that the goats will feed from. To use, just open up the lid and fill the container with about half a bale of hay. Seems simple enough, right?
You can get more information on the Backyard Herds blog, here…
DIY Storage Container
Goat Feeder
You can watch the video below on A homemade goat feeder with MINIMAL HAY WASTE!