Have you built a hay feeder for your goats yet? You may have thought about doing it but did not have actual plans to build it like the ones for this diy square bale goat hay feeder.
The materials required for this project will cost you about $25. This type of feeder helps prevent hay waste as well as with protecting your goats from eating any bad stuff off the ground like worm eggs etc.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- 92-1/2″ studs,economy grade
- 3″ 1/4-20 bolts
- 1/4-20 matching nuts
- 1/2″ 1/4-20 washers
- 2-1/2″ galvanized nails
- 2-1/2″ regular nails
- 3-1/2″ to 4″ sinker nails
- 1/4-20, 4 inch or longer wood drill bit
- cordless drill
- tape measure
- skil-saw
- safety glasses
- straight edge ruler
- plastic culvert pipe halve (optional)
Before you can begin actually building your feeder, you must first cut your lumber into the required lengths and sizes. You can then assemble the frame followed by the legs and the sides.
When you drop a bale into the feeder, don’t forget to break it up and inspect it for any mold. The feeder is suitable for all goats with or without horns, just make sure to ALWAYS keep it full of hay.
You can follow step by step instructions on Goat World, here…
DIY Goat Hay Feeder Plans