For most of us gardeners, there is usually one task that takes the fun out of gardening. It is either you forget to water your plants altogether, or you don’t do it often enough. That is why I have made this diy plastic soda bottle self waterer and diy olla self watering pots for my garden. The other day I discovered this diy self watering milk jug idea, that you could also try.
I have seen quite a number of different projects that repurpose these milk jugs. For this one, the only other thing you need is something to poke holes in the jug. The number and size of the holes will determine how fast the jug empties. You can choose to use one jug per plant or share a jug with a between plants. At the end of the day, this is a simple and affordable solution for your ‘watering’ problem.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- empty milk jugs
- water
- sharp pointed awl
Give your jugs a good wash, before converting them into your watering elves Determine how much water you want, and how fast you want it to be released before making the holes on the bottom. I usually start with one tiny hole and then either make it bigger or add more as needed. Fill your jugs with water and sit them next to your plants. Don’t forget to refill when empty. Happy Gardening! 🙂
You can get full instructions on the Montana Homesteader blog, here…
You can watch the video below on Sulae’s Shorts – Watering with Milk Jugs…
You can watch the video below on Repurposing Milk Jugs as Olla’s…
You can watch the video below on Milk Jug Garden Waterer – P.S. Ep 1…