DIY Rain Gutter Chicken Waterer

The girls always need they water, and they prefer it to be as clean as possible. I have tried various designs from the diy vinegar bottle chicken waterer, diy chicken nipple waterer to the diy PVC soda bottle chicken waterer. My husband’s friend Jerry recently shared this this diy PVC rain gutter chicken waterer idea.

Unlike other chicken waterers we have used in past, I like that this one has the water outside the coop. This helps when it comes to keeping the water clean, as the girls cannot stomp their dirty feet in it. Also you can refill water from outside the coop, so you never have to enter the coop. The materials required to make one of these, are very cheap and affordable too. Yay!

DIY Rain Gutter Chicken Waterer
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • vinyl rain gutter
  • vinyl rain gutter end cap
  • cable ties
  • wire (optional)

This project is pretty straight forward. On each end of the gutter fit in the end cap, so that you can pour water into the gutter. Then you simply attach the gutter to the outside wall of your coup, only if the wall has spaces large enough for the chickens to stick their heads through. Otherwise you would have to attach the gutter to the inside wall, for the chickens to be able to access the water.

You can watch the video below on Trough Chicken Waterer…

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