DIY Outdoor Cabana Lounge

Usually on the homestead we tend to build things out of necessity, as a way to improve our daily lives. However, I on the other hand am notorious for trying to add a little ‘luxury’ every now and again. Remember the diy wood fired tub and the off grid solar ice maker, from past posts? Well I recently bumped into this diy outdoor cabana lounge, that I instantly fell in love with.

It looks so pretty and expensive, but when you look at the plans it is very simple and affordable. Imagine relaxing somewhere on a private and exclusive beach in the Hamptons, hmmm. In order to save some money, I will be using some left over materials from other projects. such as the deck boards, 2x4s and screws. I will sweet talk the beloved hubby to help me with this one, just to speed up the process a little bit.

DIY Outdoor Cabana Lounge
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

For the basic frame, the lap joints are made using the mini circular saw. The multi tool is used to remove the areas that help connect the lap joints with the lag bolts. You will need to pre-drill the holes to insert your leg screws. Next is building the deck itself by laying down the deck boards and screwing them down with the screws.

For the cross supports use the 4x4s and the post caps to ensure a strong joint. The headboard is next, and makes use of pocket holes and screws. The awning fabric with a pipe on each end makes the perfect cover which can be rolled up on both sides. For the real fancy look, install the patio string lights. I will use an old mattress, but even a camping air mattress will be fine. I can’t wait to have my little backyard oasis complete! 🙂

You can follow step by step instructions on the Jamie Costiglio blog here…

DIY Outdoor Cabana Lounge Plans

You can watch the video below DIY Miniature Outdoor Cabana Lounge…


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