DIY Chicken Poop Fertilizer

Many times on this blog we have talked about composting. We have even built many different bins, from the diy 3 bin compost bin to the diy $5 compost bin. One of my favorite aunts favorite type of natural fertilizer is the diy chicken poop fertilizer.

Chicken poop is free, well if you have some chickens on your homestead and most people often do. If not I am sure you can get some for free from someone or somewhere. It contains a lot of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium plus helps the with the soil’s water holding capacity.

Homemade Chicken Poop Fertilizer

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • chicken manure
  • chicken coop straw
  • compost bin

If you understand the fundamental principles of composting, then you know should know you need brown and green matter. The chicken manure is the green part and the chicken coop bedding is for the brown part. Combine in the compost bin and let it cook for at least 60 days.

Never apply raw chicken manure directly on your plants the nitrogen content is way too much, it would kill them. It is also too hot, so make sure you allow the poop to mature before using it as a homemade fertilizer in your garden. Of course you could add other things to your compost, if you wish.

You can get more information on the Naturally Loriel blog, here…

DIY Chicken Poop Fertilizer

You can watch the video below on how to compost chicken manure…


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