How To Raise Mealworms For Chickens

My girls love it when I go out of my way to get them some special treats. During the hot summer days I give them these homemade chicken pops, the rest of the time I also treat them with these homemade chicken flock blocks and the homemade chicken scratch. A few months back I discovered that they absolutely go bananas for mealworms. This is why if you are raising chickens you need to learn how to raise meal worms.

One main benefit meal worms provide to your chickens is protein. They need protein for regular and consistent egg laying as well as for laying healthy bulky eggs. When molting season comes up, they will also need extra protein to help them grow new feathers faster. Don’t feed them mealworms alone, one to ten per chicken is more than enough.

How To Raise Mealworms For Chickens
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

It is recommended that the container you use is wide instead of being deep. Also try to find one that is glass or clear plastic. Then all you have to do is fill up your container with the wheat bran, leaving at least 2 inches of head space. Your starter mealworms are then added to the container with wheat bran.

The last thing that your mealworm farm will need is the sliced potato, that should be added regularly at least once every week. You should also keep your farm in a location that is at least 70 degrees F. After you have set everything up, wait a couple of months and you will have more mealworms than your chickens can eat.

You can get more information on the Funny Farm Life blog, here…

How To Raise Mealworms For Chickens

You can watch the video below on how to build a self sorting mealworm farm…

You can watch the video below on chickens eating mealworms…

You can watch the video below on how to raise mealworms…


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