How To Grow Feijoas

Is it a pineapple, is it a guava, is it a strawberry or is it all 3? That is probably the first question out of your mouth after you taste this fruit. Yes, just like previous post on how to grow and how to grow, I will be exposing you to yet another little known fruit. Are you ready to learn how to grow feijoas from seeds?

Feijoa sellowiana O. also known as pineapple guava or Guavasteen is a fruit that is native to the mountain areas of southern Brazil, northern Argentina as well as western Paraguay and Uruguay. They do well in climates with cooler winters above 15 degrees F and mild summers. This fruit has a sweet pineapple and guava or pineapple and strawberry like taste. These trees can grow up to 15 feet tall and wide, therefore plant them in an area with adequate space.

How To Grow Feijoas
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

Cut your Feijoa in half and remove the seeds onto a plate or paper towel. Regardless, if you are going to store the seeds or plant them, makes sure that you wash them first. Remove as much of the flesh as possible and place the seeds on damp paper towel. The paper towel goes into the ziploc bag.

If you were planting in soil, just make sure you plant the seeds shallow and keep them well watered. In both cases, the seeds will require a warm location in order to germinate. Germination will take 14 to 21 days. Carefully remove the seedling from the paper towel and transplant into a small pot or container with moist potting soil. 🙂

You can get more information from the CRFG blog, here…

How To Groe Feijoas

You can watch the video below on How to Grow Feijoa’s from Seed…

You can watch the video below on How to Grow Feijoas…

You can watch the video below on Growing Feijoa / Pineapple Guava in a pot…


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