How To Grow Cashew Nuts

The health ‘gurus’ recommend that we include a lot of nuts in our diet. This is why over the past few years I have tried my very best to grow many different types of nuts. Over the years we have learnt how to grow peanuts, hazel nuts as well as pistachios. Lately, I have been looking into how to grow a cashew tree.

Did you know that the cashew tree (Anacardium Occidentale) is originally from the tropical Caribbean as well as North East Brazil? The leaves are evergreen and the tree it self can grow up to 40 feet tall. The nuts are not only super healthy and loaded with proteins, they are delicious too. The fruit itself is edible and is a good source of vitamin C, calcium, vitamin B1 and iron.

How To Grow Cashew Nuts
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • cashew seeds or seedlings
  • seed starting mix
  • organic fertilizer
  • mulch
  • compost
  • safety glasses
  • gloves

There are three ways to grow a cashew tree, either from seed, by propagation or what is known as air air layering. If you have access to seeds make sure they are less than 4 months old and allow them to sun dry for at least 72 hours before soaking in water the night before you plan to sow them. Start your seeds off in seed starting mix, and germination should occur as early as 4 days up to 21 days.

When transplanting, find a sunny location with at least 6 hours of direct sun every day. The ideal soil should have a pH level of 5 – 6.5 and sandy. During  the Summer months, you want to water deeply about two times every week. However water only when the soil is dry, to prevent over watering.

Compost should be applied at least once every year, and fertilizer every 60 days. Mulch to prevent weeds and conserve water. Prune often removing any dead or disease infested branches. Keep an eye out for the tea mosquito, stem and root borer, leaf miner and blossom webber.

It will take anywhere from 2 to 5 years for your tree to start producing fruit. When the cashew apples are pink or red and the nut is gray, they are ready for harvesting. The apple should be separated from the nut before storing unshelled for up to 2 years. Roast your nuts before breaking the shell. Use gloves and safety glasses to protect yourself from the caustic oil which is known to burn the skin.

You can get more information from the Balcony Web Garden blog, here…

How To Grow A Cashew Tree

You can watch the video below on how cashews are grown…

You can watch the video below on how to grow a cashew tree indoors…

You can watch the video below on how to grow grow cashew tree from seed…


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