How To Get Rid Of Squash Bugs

I probably should have titled this post ‘how to squash bugs’, just for the fun of it. We have already covered how to get rid of cabbage worms and how to get rid of stink bugs, in earlier posts. Today we will be continuing with trend by looking at how to get rid of squash bugs.

As the name suggests the squash bug (Anasa tristis) is a bug that is very similar in looks with the stink bug. They both produce the stink when squashed, however one is slightly bigger and is also a different color. They can be found attacking squash and pumpkin plants in your garden. Although they can fly, they prefer to walk on the underside of the leaves.

How To Get Rid Of Squash Bugs
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Tip #1: Early Detection

The older squash bugs are more difficult to kill, therefore it is way easier to get rid of the young ones or the eggs. Use a butter knife to scrape the eggs off the leaves or pick them off using your fingers. Duct tape gets the job done too. It takes 10 days for the eggs to hatch, therefore try do this every week.

Tip #2: Avoid Deep Mulch

These bugs thrive in certain environments. One such environment is any deep mulch that uses straw or hay. If you are going to apply a mulch, try using different materials for your squash plants or else do not make it too deep if using straw or hay.

Tip #3: Companion Planting

Companion planting is a great way to fight diseases and pests in your garden. As for the squash bugs they do not like nasturtium and tansy. If you can plant these around your plants you should be able to keep the bugs away.

Prevention is always the best way to rid your garden of these nasty pests. Always try to practice simple techniques such as crop rotation and removal of all dead garden material at the end of every season. Many gardeners I know, will either compost or burn all their squash vines. This ensures the bugs have no where to hide and hibernate over winter.

You can get more tips on the Reformation Acres blog, here…

How To Kill Squash Bugs

You can watch the video below on How to Stop a Squash Bug Infestation…

You can watch the video below on How to identify and get rid of squash bugs…

You can watch the video below on Kill All The Squash Bugs…


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