Homemade Pig Feed Recipe

We have been keeping pigs for a while now on the homestead. What I love about them is that you can basically feed them anything, they will gobble it up. We just throw stuff into the diy pig feeder that the hubby built a couple of months ago. I found this homemade pig feed recipe, that I would like to share with you.

If you are growing your own corn and soybeans on the homestead, then that is going to save you quite a bit of money when you make your own feed. The third ingredient has to be purchased, however it is only required in small quantities. This means that one bag, will usually go a long way. This is a tried and tested recipe, that is guaranteed to give you fatter pigs.

Homemade Pig Feed Recipe
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Here’s What You’ll Need

  • cracked corn
  • soy meal mix
  • livestock mineral mix
  • wheel barrow
  • scale
  • flat shovel

The recipe is as follows, mix 50 pounds of cracked corn with 12 pounds of soy meal and a pound plus 10 ounces of livestock mineral mix. Empty your cracked corn into the wheel barrow, the dump your soy meal followed by the mineral mix.

Take your shovel and use it to mix everything well. You can reuse the bag that had the corn to store the feed. How much do you feed your pigs? Well just give them as much as they need, this will help them get fatter faster. If you are just feeding your pigs to sustain them, then just give them enough and do not overfeed them.

You can watch the video below on how to make your own pig feed…


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