Homemade Pain Relief Cream

I am one of those people who worries a lot about the harmful chemicals that manufacturers may add to their products, hence I always try to use my own all natural versions as much as possible. Recently I learnt how to make diy gel ice packs and months before that homemade coughand cold  syrup. Well today, I discoverd this homemade pain relief cream.

All 5 ingredients are 100% natural, and although they are not readily available in any store you can still purchase your supply from health stores. The process itself is pretty simple, within 5 minutes you will have your cream ready to go, and no specialized equipment is required either for this recipe.

Homemade Pain Relieving Lotion Recipe
Photo credit: onegoodthingbyjillee.com
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • coconut oil
  • beeswax pellets
  • camphor crystals or oil
  • methenol cyrstals or peppemint oil
  • eucalyptus oil
  • small saucepan
  • small container with lid
  • wooden spoon

To get started, simply turn on your burner and place your empty saucepan on there for a few minutes, so it heats up. The after it heats up, turn off the burner and add your coconut oil and beeswax, so that it melts. Stir to mix well, whilst the mixture is melting.

Set the mixture aside for a few minutes so that it cools down. Then just add all your oils, in your desired quantities and mix well. Transfer to your small container before it solidifies, and store in a cool area. When you need to use it, rub a small amount onto the sore muscle or joints. That’s all there is to it! 🙂

You can follow step by step instructions on the One Good Thing By Jillee blog, here…

Homemade Pain Relief Cream Recipe


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