If you love container gardening and you often forget to water your plants you will love these. You can make your own DIY 2L Bottle Sub-Irrigated Planters (SIPs), by re-purposing plastic soda bottles.
These can be used to grow both your houseplants as well as edible plants. Although 2L bottles are recommended you can use any size bottle really.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- 2L soda bottles
- scissors or utility knife
- potting mix
- organic fertilizer
- strip of fabric
- seeds or plants
Before you can re-use the plastic bottles make sure you remove the labels and clean them out. Be careful when you cutting the plastic, I almost cut myself trying to puncture the drainage holes.
These planters provide the perfect environment to help your plants grow. The secret is the reservoir on the bottom that keeps a constant supply of water and oxygen, readily available.
You can follow step by step instructions on Brooklyn Seed Company site here…
DIY 2L Sub-Irrigated Planters