Ewww, it’s slimy! No, it’s not eat your okra! That’s my mother scolding me, after making the infamous ‘it’s slimy’ comment. LOL. Nowadays however, I find myself growing okra in my garden every season. As with the canning garbanzo beans recipe and the canning green chili peppers recipe, in recent years I have even started canning okra for frying.
Have you ever notices that we have a mixed bag, when it comes to these canning recipes. Some tend to be complicated, whilst others are easy peazy lemon squeazy. Thank God, this one falls into the later category. Besides the okra and the water, you’ll only need two other simple ingredients. Just grab your canning utensils, no other special equipment is required for this one either. The canned okra is perfect for frying, but you can use it for other purposes too.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- okra
- white vinegar
- canning salt
- water
- large stockpot
- sharp knife
- cutting board
- canning jars with lids
- canning utensils
- kitchen towel
If you are using okra picked from your garden, then you are going to have to rinse and cut it as instructed in the recipe. When placed in the pot make sure that it is all covered in water before you add the vinegar and salt. There is two stages to the boiling process, first you look for the color change and then after that a few more minutes are required. Hot packing the jars is the last step, after which you simply leave them to seal on the kitchen counter.
You can get the full recipe & instructions on the Arts Of Home blog, here…
You can watch the video below on OKRA – CANNING for FRYING LATER (OAG 2015)…
You can watch the video below on OKRA~~ Preserving in a Jar!…
You can watch the video below on #331 Canning Okra in Jars…