How To Use Wood Ash In Your Garden

Normally after your wood fire dies, you just collect all the ash and either throw it away or just leave it in place especially when it is the rainy season. That is exactly what we used to do until our neighbor schooled us on how to use wood ash in our garden.

Wood ash is actually loaded with many nutrients such as calcium carbonate, potassium, phosphorous, manganese and zinc. When added to your garden you can improve the flavor of your fruits and boost growth. There are other trace elements too such as magnesium, boron, iron and copper which are found in varying amounts depended on the type of wood that the ass comes from.

Using Wood Ash In Your Vegetable Garden

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • wood ash
  • rake (optional)
  • plastic seal-able bags (optional)

The best type of wood ash to use in your garden, is apparently that from hardwood trees. You want the ash from the saplings, it contains more nutrients than that from the older wood. Never use any ash from cardboard, treated wood, coal or even painted wood.

The best time to apply wood ash is in late winter. However you can also apply it any other time during the year. Just make sure you apply it in moderate amounts. Other uses for wood ash include for repelling slugs and snails, for boosting decomposition in your compost and regulating acidic soil with a PH below level 6. Store your wood ash in sealed airtight or paper bags, and keep in a dry place.

You can get more information on the Balcony Garden Web blog, here…

How To Use Wood Ash In Your Garden

You can watch the video below on how to use wood ash in the garden…

You can watch the video on how to use wood ash as a fertilizer…


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