Homemade Sunscreen Lotion Recipe

We all get excited when Summer comes along, mainly because the weather is finally warm and there is a lot of sunshine outside. However, as much as you want to enjoy the weather, you also do not want to expose yourself too much to the sun. How about this homemade sunscreen recipe, you can whip up today?

It is a pretty simple recipe, some of the ingredients you will have to go out and purchase them but it should not cost you too much. I like to buy my ingredients in bulk so I have enough to last me the whole of summer.

Homemade Sunscreen Recipe
Photo credit: ahealthiermichigan.org
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • coconut oil
  • almond or olive oil
  • zinc oxide
  • beeswax
  • mason jars
  • medium saucepan
  • water
  • red raspberry seed oil (optional)
  • vitamin E oil (optional)
  • carrot seed oil (optional)
  • essential oils (optional)
  • vanilla extract (optional)
  • face mask (optional)

It is important to remember when you are handling the zinc oxide,  not to inhale it. You may want to consider wearing a face mask, just to be certain. All the ingredients except the zinc oxide are added into a glass jar, which is then placed into the saucepan with some water in it.

You can add the various oils for fragrance or just leave it fragrance less. More beeswax thickens the sunscreen and less makes it smoother.The ingredients should begin to melt and you should stir to mix them well.

When they are totally melted, the zinc oxide is added and the mixture is stirred well before transferring to another mason jar for storage. Keep stirring as the sunscreen cools. Store for up to 6 months in a cool dry place or your fridge. This recipe makes a SP15 lotion, you can add more zinc oxide to increase the SP.

You can get step by step instructions on A Healthier Michigan blog, here…

Homemade Sunscreen Lotion Recipe

You can watch the video for a natural non toxic sunscreen recipe…


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