Inside Out Breakfast Burritos

There is always the pressure of being able to make quick but healthy breakfast meals. Just like everyone else I have my traditional go to recipes like the oven roasted breakfast potatoes recipe and the breakfast mediterranean potatoe hash recipe. There are other times, when I have a little more time to experiment with new things in the morning. My latest successful experiment was with this inside out breakfast burrito recipe.

I maybe wrong, but I feel the reason why they call them ‘inside out’ is because instead of having a wrap, the egg which is supposed to be inside is used as the wrap. Nevertheless, what I really love about this recipe is that there are many different types of fillings for the burritos. Just like making a sandwich, you can just try different ingredient combinations. Make a different one for each family member, I am sure they would love that, huh?

Inside Out Breakfast Burritos Recipe
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

Since the egg omelette is going to be used as your wrap, therefore it should be made first. All you need is to whisk the eggs, salt and the shredded parmesan cheese in the bowl. This mixture is then poured into the saucepan and allowed to cook over medium heat for a few minutes, until just before it begins to set.

This is when you can go wild with the different fillings. This recipe will show you how to make 3 which are avocado with black bean, bacon with sausage and ham with cheddar. These are added to the center of the egg, the lid goes on and you let it cook until egg is set and the cheese melts. Any fresh ingredients such as the avocado go on last just before the burrito is folded.

You can get full recipes & directions on the Tasty blog, here…

Inside Out Breakfast
Burritos Recipe

You can watch the video below on Inside-Out Breakfast Burritos…


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