How To Grow Sweet Potato Slips From Soil

In the past I have blogged about growing sweet potato vines indoors in water, how to can sweet potatoes and  even how to grow your own sweet potatoes in containers. Well today a friend told me about how you can grow potato slips from soil. Yep, I didn’t know you could do that. lol

Sweet potato slips are what sweet potatoes are grown from, they do not have any seeds that you can purchase and plant in your garden.

Apparently this is the faster more preferred method especially if you use grow mats and halogen lights. You do not need the special equipment, a warm location and window sill will do the trick. It may just take a little longer.

How To Grow Sweet Potato Slips From Soil

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • organic sweet potatoes
  • potting soil
  • aluminum tin pan
  • water
  • heat mat (optional)
  • halogen grow lights (optional)
  • press and seal (optional)

First things first, make sure you are using an organic sweet potatoes. Sometimes the ones in the supermarket are sprayed with chemicals so that they do not sprout. Now you can either cut your potato in half or just use it whole.

Step By Step Instructions

1. Place the sweet potato into the aluminum pan, make sure it fits in there.

2. Cover the sweet potato with potting soil. It’s ok if you can see a little bit of the top part.

3. Spray some water onto the potting soil so that it gets moist.

4. Cover up with a press and seal or plastic food wrapping paper.

5. Place in a warm location, next to a window that gets a lot of sunlight.

Keep the potting soil moist and you should have slips ready for transplanting in around 6 to 8 weeks. As already mentioned above, if you use the seed starting equipment you can speed up the whole process. Sweet potatoes love warm temperatures! 🙂

You can watch the video below on how to grow sweet potato slips…

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