What if roses were not red, and violets were not blue? Hmmm, there I go again with my weird ‘what ifs’! LOL. We don’t usually talk bout growing flowers on this blog, but that doesn’t mean that we wont. If my memory serves me right, I think a few weeks back there was one post on tips on growing lilies. Breaking with tradition, I thought today would be the perfect day to dive into the wonderful world of how to grow roses from cuttings.
Since there are several different rose varieties, it is up to you to choose which one to propagate from cuttings. Although the use of a rooting hormone is optional, it may make your life a tad bit easier. The cuttings can be propagated in either water only or a special homemade soil mixture. For the visual optics, the water method allows you to actually see the little roots growing from the stem. Sometimes I spend up to 10 minutes, just observing them.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- roses
- clean bypass pruners
- small bucket
- warm water
- rooting hormone (optional)
- shallow dish
- pencil or a small stick
- mason jar or plastic bottle
- utility knife
- fish emulsion fertilizer
- coarse sand
- perlite
Before you start clipping away at your rose plant, it is important that you know the three different types of cuttings that are available to you. I myself prefer to use softwood cuttings as they root faster, anywhere from 10 to 14 days. The best time to make your cutting is in the morning, as most plants tend to be more hydrated then. Don’t forget to cover your cuttings with either a mason jar or plastic bottle cut in half, in order to create the vital greenhouse effect.
You can follow step by step instructions on the Natural Living Ideas blog, here…
How To Grow
Roses From Cuttings
You can watch the video below on How To Grow Rose From Cutting (FULL UPDATES)…
You can watch the video below on Easy way to grow rose from cutting, How to grow …