If you have an herb garden, here is one you may want to add to it, if you do not already have this. Today we will look at how to grow peppermint.
Peppermint can be used in salads, cheese and even some cocktail drinks. I have heard of marinades as well as mint sauces too. Personally I prefer having some Mint tea, especially before bed.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- peppermint cuttings or seeds
- potting mix
- compost
- organic fertilizer
- mason jar
- small container (optional)
It is recommended that you grow peppermint from cuttings, rather than seeds as the seeds usually do not develop properly. Make sure the soil is somewhat rich and keep your peppermint out of direct sunshine.
If you companion it with cabbage, you will protect your cabbage from the cabbage butterfly. Water weekly and do not harvest any until the plant gets to 10 to 12 inches tall. Use immediately, dry or freeze your peppermint for long term storage.
You can get more information on Mother Earth News website, here…
How To Grow Peppermint
You can watch this video, on how to grow mint from cuttings…
You can watch this video, on how to grow mint in containers…
You can watch this video, on how to grow mint in the garden…