DIY $1 Homemade Solar Water Heater

Oh yes, you read the title right. This article is about how to make a homemade solar water heater for just $1. How is that even possible? Most of the materials used for the build are recycled bits and pieces found lying around the house or neighborhood. I admit that this particular solar heater does not look pretty, and even sturdy. However, it is very portable and can be fixed really quick if any of the components should become loose. This is one of those projects that even those without any power tool skills can master. Wondering what the $1 is spent on? The windshield reflector from a dollar store!

DIY $1 Homemade Solar Water Heater

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Large hinged rigid plastic box
  • 1 Drainage Pipe
  • Windshield Reflector1 Stepping Stone
  • 1 Oceans Spray Juice 1 Gallon Jug
  • 1 Gallon Flower Pot
  • Black Paint
  • 4 Clothes Line Pegs
  • 1 wire clothes hanger

The construction process starts with setting the drainage pipe for the base. You can the insert the windshield reflector and line the inside of the plastic box. Attaching it to the lids using the clothes line pegs, two on each end, top and bottom. Stabilize the top, so the lids do not close using the wire clothes hanger. Place the plastic box on top of the drainage pipe and then use the stepping stone to keep it in place. Paint the Ocean’s Spray gallon bottle black and place it on top of a one gallon flower pot, which has also been painted black. This gives it the additional height needed to maximize the heat gained from the sun. John says that this set up can heat a gallon of water to very high temperatures in just 20 minutes.

You can watch the full instructional video below…


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