Canning Carrots

When the carrot harvest comes and you have more than you can eat or give away the you have yet another option. There is absolutely nothing wrong with canning your carrots for long term storage.

This method involves using a pressure canner, if you have never used one before do not worry it is actually very simple to use.

Canning Carrots
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • fresh carrots
  • pressure canner
  • canning jars
  • canning seals and rings
  • jar lifter
  • canning funnel
  • large pot or blancher
  • bowls
  • large spoons
  • sharp knife
  • towels and dish cloths
  • canning salt (optional)

It is highly recommended that you wash and peel your carrots instead of just scrubbing them before canning them. Also try not to cut your carrots into smaller pieces, lengthwise or small chunks will do.

The choice on whether to raw pack them into the jars or hot pack them after simmering for 5 minutes is totally up to you. Process pint jars for 25 minutes and quart jars for 30 minutes in your canner.

You can follow step by step instructions on Simply Canning blog, here…

How To Can Fresh Carrots


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