10 Foods You Shouldn’t Feed Your Chickens

Ok, so I am guilty of doing this too. You know after dinner you have all these left over scraps that you think you could just throw into your chicken coop. It turns out it is better if you you just throw them into your compost instead. Do you know the 10 foods that are not safe for your chickens?

Unfortunately, the list below is not comprehensive. However, it will get you on the right track. If you are a forgetful Sally, then just jot them down on a sheet of paper and put it in a place that is easily accessible. Or you can do what I do, when I am not sure I just redirect it to the compost as I have already stated above. Salt in excess is not recommended too, so avoid feeding them anything too salty.

10 Foods You Shouldn't Feed Your Chickens
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Here Is The Toxic Food List:

  1.  Apple Seeds
  2. Avocado Skins Or Pit
  3. Beans (Dried Or Uncooked)
  4. Candy
  5. Chocolate
  6. Citrus
  7. Dried Rice (Uncooked)
  8. Onion
  9. Raw Eggs
  10. Raw Potatoes/Green Potatoes/Potato Peels

You can download a printable list on the It’s A Sunshiney Day, blog here…

10 Foods Not Safe For Your Chickens

You can watch the video below on 9 toxic foods you should never feed your chickens…


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