Winter Sowing – A Better Way To Start Seeds

Say goodbye to light-systems, heating devices, or fancy seed-starting kits. When you use the winter sowing method you can small greenhouse and natural weather elements to germinate your seeds. You can also start your seeds during the winter as early as December or January. Winter sowing allows your seeds to grow up to be strong, sturdy plants by Spring.

Your mini greenhouses are built from empty plastic bottles that let sunlight through. That’s another cool thing about this method you also get to recycle and reuse these bottles which would have others found their way to some landfill. These mini green houses SHOULD be left outside all winter long.

Winter Sowing - How To Start Your Seeds Outside In Winter
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • seeds
  • empty 2L plastic pop bottles or milk jugs
  • pen knife
  • screw driver or sharp wire
  • peat-moss and perlite mix
  • permanent marker
  • duct tape
  • large plastic box (optional)

Make sure you clearly label each mini greenhouse, that way you will always know which seeds are in each. The perfect location to place these jugs is in an outside area that is protected from strong wind gusts, but where they are still exposed to the sun, rain and snow.

The seedlings will start emerging in early spring although the nights may still be cold. When the days become sunny, the tops should be open for many hours each day. This will give the seedlings some much needed fresh air.

You can follow step by step instructions on A Garden For The House blog, here…

How To Winter Sow Your Seeds


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