How To Build PVC Tomato Cages

Do you get frustrated when your tomato wire cages bend and topple either due to high winds or from the weight of the plant itself? This diy PVC tomato cage is a great solution. Not only is it durable and sturdy, it is reusable too. You can easily dismantle it and store it away for next season.

Give your indeterminate tomatoes room to grow taller with these cages. Bill says that these cages will keep everything off the ground and away from water, soil and bugs. He has successfully used these cages to grow big juicy tomatoes, for over 10 years.

DIY PVC Tomato Cages

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • 40 X 7″ long 1/2″ PVC pipes
  • 20 X 10″ long 1/2″ PVC pipes
  • 20 X 1/2″ PVC crosses
  • 20 X 1/2″ PVC elbows
  • 4 X 1/2″ PVC tees
  • cutter
  • marker
  • tape measure
  • glue
  • digging bar
  • scrap 1 1/2″ PVC pipe (optional)
  • leather gloves (optional)

The shorter pieces are cut from longer PVC pipe you can get from any hardware store. All the pieces are glued together to stay in place. Building these cages is like solving a jigsaw puzzle, you will need a little patience as it probably will take a while.

The cage will be about 34″ tall when complete, which is more than enough for most tomatoes. The bottom ring sits flat on the ground to stabilize the cage. The scrap PVC pipe with holes in it can be added to provide a hands free root feeding system for your tomatoes.

Watch the video below for step by step instructions…


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