Having clean drinking water when you live off grid is almost always one of the top concerns. Most people just use the tried and tested boil your water method. But, did you know you could purify your water with the sun using the Solar Water Disinfection Method (SODIS)?
Unlike boiling water, which requires you to have a fire or some heat source the sun is guaranteed to come out on most days and it is a free renewable energy source. Do not use colored or glass bottles and check on the bottom for PET rating.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- clear plastic PET(1) bottles (max. 2L)
- water
- aluminum foil (optional)
It is important that you know your water source, and try avoid using this method with water that has chemical toxins in it. If you have cloudy water it is recommended that you filter it first before trying to purify it.
How Does It Work?
Lay water bottles on the roof or in an area that they will receive at least 6 hours of exposure to UV-A sunlight. On cloudy days you may need up to 12 hours to purify your water. A reflective surface such as aluminum foil can be used to maximize exposure.
This method has been proven to eliminate up to 99.999% of the bacteria. The purified water was tested and turned out to be cleaner than well water.
You can get more tips and information at Modern Survival Blog, here…
How To Purify Water With Sunlight
You can also watch the video below, on the SODIS method…