Although they are not my favorite type of berry, I still enjoy eating blackberries. We already have strawberries and mulberries growing on our homestead. This year I want to learn how to grow blackberries, so I can add those too.
It turns out there are different varities and types available. The thorny ones have erect and trailing, and so do the thornless ones. In a perfect world, I should grow the thorny type, if I want the best fruit. However, they are a pain in the you know where, when it comes to harvesting due to the thorns.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- blackberry seeds, bushes or canes
- compost
- lime
- phosphorus
- fish emulsion
- peat moss
- straw mulch
I know the perfect spot to plant these blackberries, that gets full sun and also has well drained soil. As soon as the soil is ready to be worked this Spring, I will pop them into the ground. Or maybe I should wait anothr year so that I can prepare the soil by adding lime and phosphorus in the fall. Hmmmmm decisions, decisions.
Compost and fish emulsion should be added to the soil just before planting the canes in a deep hole, half filled with peat moss. Don’t water the plant, all water must be applied to the soil otherwise you increase the risk of your plants becoming diseased. Applying mulch is supposed to help with weed control, l will lay down some straw mulch.
The not so fun part, is waiting for three years for the first full fruit season. At least unlike some other plants, some fruit will be produced even before the three years is up. At least we will be enjoying the fruit from the plants for the next 10 years. Did you know it is recommended you harvest blackberries in the morning? I didn’t know that! 🙂
You can get more information on the Homestead Garden blog, here…
How To Grow Blackberries
You can watch video below, on blackberry growing tips…
You can watch video below, on planting blackberries…
You can watch video below, on how to grow 10X more blackberries per year…