A graduation day celebration is one of the most memorable events in any adult’s life. Undoubtedly, those ceremonies are special. The excitement, enthusiasm, and satisfaction of having your hard work recognized are unparalleled. Tossing the square cap high up can bring a broad smile and a great sense of relief to anyone who has labored long and hard for it.
If you know someone who is about to graduate, placing a yard sign is an excellent way of celebrating the occasion with them. It’s a gesture that will win their hearts instantly. Here are some tips for graduation yard signs personalized to help you choose an attractive and catchy one for you or your friend’s graduation ceremony.
What Is A Graduation Yard Sign?
Any yard signs that are meant to celebrate a graduation day are called graduation yard signs. They let your neighbors and friends know about the person who has recently graduated. It also tells them that there’s a party and they’re welcome to join. There could be different types of signs, depending on the fonts, colors, design, graphics, message, and templates.
Tips For Customized Signs
1. Display A Photo
You could choose to display the graduate’s photo on the yard sign. That will lend a personalized touch like no other. You have two options when it comes to doing that. The first is to select one photo that will be the main attraction of the sign. Or select seven to eight photos as part of a collection. Adding a colorful border or monogram with the school’s colors will enhance its attractive appeal. A congratulatory message along the lines of “congratulations” or “best of luck” will go well with the photos.
2. Emphasize On The Year Of Graduation
If the graduate is a bit uncomfortable with having their photo displayed on a large frame, you could choose to focus on the year of graduation. The significant benefit of this layout is that you can display the name, school, and message utilizing the entire space of the sign. It is important to select the size of the featured information carefully. Ideally, the part showing the “year of graduation” should be the largest, followed by the graduate’s name and the school.
3. Go With An Exciting Theme
You could also make your yard sign stand out by choosing a specific theme. It could be anything that they like, from a famous sitcom to sports teams. If they are enthusiastic about an epic fantasy series, you could incorporate that theme too. Even though the main focus will be the congratulatory graduation message, they will let you do that in style while making the banner visually appealing.
4. Choose A Suitable Font
The font plays a vital role in any yard sign. If you want your message to be read at first glance, the best fonts to go with are Futura, Helvetica, Avenir, Bebas, and Proxima Nova. The text should also be big, bold, and dark, along with a light background for optimum readability. However, if you want to use small fonts, some of the best options are sans serif, serif, Sabon, Garamond, and Caslon.
5. Picking The Right Color Is Crucial
The color will play a significant role in deciding how attractive your yard sign is. According to expert designers, it’s better to select dark grey or black font when you’ve got a light background. If it’s a dark background, opt for the white color in the font. Choosing a color like red will ensure that the onlooker immediately takes notice. Your colors should also contrast well and not merge to become unreadable. That will make the sign illegible for a lot of people. Some of the safest colors that you can go with are white, grey, and black.
These tips will help create graduation yard signs personalized that will portray the message while being appealing at the same time. Since it is such a memorable occasion for the graduate, the yard sign should convey that feeling adequately.