How To Store Dried Herbs & Spices

We really enjoy having access to fresh herbs both indoors and outdoors in our backyard garden. in the past I shared with you how to dry your herbs in the oven. What I did not share until now was how to store your dried herbs and spices for long term storage.

It is really not rocket science, it is just a few basic tips that help you prolong and preserve your herbs. The advantages of storing your herbs properly include being able to prolong their potency and as much of their natural goodness as possible.

How To Store Dried Herbs & Spices

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

The most important thing you need to remember when it comes to storing your dried herbs is that in order to keep them fresh, you have to restrict exposure to oxygen. The best way to do this is to use air tight containers such as mason jars. You can use other plastic air tight containers too.

There are three other things that you should consider. These are direct sunlight, temperature as well as humidity. Direct sunlight should be avoided so as the fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Ideal places to store your herbs include your kitchen cabinets, pantry as well as the root cellar. Some people store their spices in the freezer but this is generally not recommended. Hopefully you can use these tips to help preserve your herbs for up to 4 years or more.

You can get more information on the Gourmet Slouth blog, here…

How To Store Dried Herbs

You can watch the video below on how to store your dried herbs long term…


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