DIY Wooden Bow Ties

DIY Wooden Bow Ties

October 19, 2018May0

I decided today I would steer away from homestead diy projects and try do something fashionable and fun instead. Remember other such projects as the […]

DIY Marble Coasters

DIY Marble Coasters

September 22, 2018May0

It has been raining daily around these parts for the last couple of days. Rain is good, but it also limits the amount of outside […]

DIY Homemade Suncatchers

DIY Suncatchers

September 8, 2018May0

Although this is a fun activity for the summer months when the sun is shinning, you could also take it on during the long boring […]

How To Make A DIY Towel Beach Bag

DIY Towel Beach Bag

May 11, 2018May0

After our last DIY project, I thought it would be wise to feature a fun diy project this time around, lest you start labeling me […]

How To Make Shoelaces From Tshirts

DIY T-Shirt Shoelaces

April 27, 2018May0

For the longest time, I used to either throw away any warn out tshirts or turn them into rags for mopping up spills. Then I […]