How To Avoid Bee Stings

How To Avoid Bee Stings

August 9, 2019May0

Since we live out here in nature, running into bees is something that happens often. In addition, we also have this diy beehive in a […]

DIY Pollen Feeder For Bees

DIY Pollen Feeder For Bees

June 7, 2019May0

Why don’t they just get the pollen from the flowers, you ask? Well they do, but sometimes they need a little help. Besides we have […]

DIY Beehive In A Jar Plans

DIY Beehive In A Jar

May 10, 2018May0

Without bees, there is no honey. However many people are afraid of keeping bees, mainly because they sting. I know there are some, who are […]