How To Grow Quince

The only reason I know that this fruit exists, is because of my beloved grand ma. May her soul rest in peace. One would think that it is in the same group as the other exotic fruits in my orchard such as the custard apples , cocktail kiwis and the starfruit. I have since been doing some research on how to grow quince on the internet.

Through my research I discovered that although we grew up enjoying quince fruit, it is not very common in the United States these days. However, if you hop across the pond to Europe, you will find these almost everywhere especially in Spain and Turkey. The fruit has a shape similar to the pear, it is also green and hairy when unripe but then turns a golden yellow color when it ready to be eaten. The tree needs cooler temperatures around 45 °F in order to flower properly.

How To Grow Quince
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

The tree itself can be grown from both seeds or cuttings. If you are using seeds then you have to plant them directly into the ground. The best location for your tree is where there is well draining soil, a lot of space as well as sunlight most hours of the day. The best time to plant your seeds is in Spring.

The trees do not self pollinate, therefore it is wise that you grow at least two of them, if you decide to plant some in your backyard. Water your tree often and apply the first batch of fertilizer a year after planting. The tree will grow to about 16 to 25 feet tall. The fruit is usually between 3 to 5 inches long.

You can get more information on the Wiki How blog, here…

How To Grow Quince

You can watch the video below on Growing Quinces- Caring for your Fruit Trees…

You can watch the video below on Quince tree – grow, care, harvest and eat…

You can watch the video below on How to start Quince seed…

You can watch the video below on Quince Tree Cuttings, Water Rooting…


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