How To Grow A Lychee Tree Indoors

Since we have a lot of space out back, I am really only interested in growing stuff indoors when they can’t be grown outside in my area. For example, when it comes to growing and also growing in containers. Did you also know that you can grow a lychee tree indoors?

If you have seen a full grown Litchi Chinensis tree, outside then you may have some reservations regarding growing it indoors. However although it can grow up to 40 feet outside, when planted in containers, it tends to stay relatively small. You can grow seeds from most mature lychee fruit.

How To Grow A Lychee Tree Indoors

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • lychee fruits
  • sand
  • large container
  • clear plastic bag
  • seedling pots
  • potting soil
  • twist tie (optional)

The best size of seed to use are the plump ones, about half an inch long. All pulp should be removed from seeds before you start. Fill your container with damp sand, and plant the seeds at least an inche deep. Place the container in the plastic bag, before zipping it shut and putting it away in a shaded area that is still warm.

Germination should take about 7 to 14 days. At this time, the bag is removes and the sprouts are then moved to an area that gets nice but indirect sun. When the seedlings have 4 leaves they need to be moved to seedling pots, filled with potting soil. Gradually increase their exposure to sunlight after the first 4 weeks. Eventually it should sit in a south facing window with plenty of sunshine.

Watering should be done at least once a week, and fertilization every 2 weeks during Spring and Summer. The trees will need to be exposed to colder temperatures between 32 to 45 degrees F, for at least 100 hours in winter to promote blossoms in early Spring and fruiting in early Summer. It will take at least 5 years before your tree starts to bear any fruit.

You can follow step by step instructions on SF Gate blog, here…

How To Grow A Lychee Tree Indoors

You can watch the video below on growing lychee trees from seeds…

You can watch the video below on 3 week old litchi tree…


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