How To Freeze Garlic

If you were to walk by my garden, you would think we are preparing to fight off some vampires. I don’t know how it happened but again we ended up growing more garlic than we need. So you know what that means, right? I have been looking for more ways to preserve some of the surplus I have already mastered canning minced garlic and now I have also learnt how to freeze garlic.

Of course, I was looking for an easy method, and this was one of the first I ran into. How long it will take you, depends on how much garlic you have to process. If you have too much, then it might be better if you do it in batches over a couple of days. Look at the bright side, at least there is no need to blanch the garlic. That would be one extra time consuming task to perform, and who has time for that.

How To Freeze Garlic
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • fresh garlic
  • chopper
  • large mason jar
  • olive oil
  • baking sheet
  • ziploc bags

Oh, well so before you can get started you are going to have to separate the cloves and then peel them. If you have ever peeled garlic, you know how much patience is needed. Thankfully, Pam introduced me to an easier way to do it using the mason jar. It always the simple things that get the job done, right? Anywho, the peeled garlic has to be chopped as finely as possible.

Without the chopper, you are probably going to chop away on a cutting board. After you have sweated from all the hard work and you have all the garlic prepped. Then the freezing can begin, but take heed her warning not to add too much olive oil, less is more in this case. If you sometimes use less garlic in your, then use a teaspoon instead of a tablespoon for your scoops.

You can follow step by step instructions on the Brown Thumb Mama blog, here…

How To Freeze
Garlic Instructions

You can watch the video below on How To Freeze Garlic To Reuse In Your Cooking The Freezer…

You can watch the video below on How to Peel and Freeze Garlic…

You can watch the video below on Best Way to Freeze Garlic…


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