The mites certainly do love to bother your chickens. We have already built the diy wood pallet chicken dust bath and the diy old tyre chicken dust bath for them. We now have more chickens than before, therefore we needed a quick solution. This is how I discovered this diy rain barrel chicken dust bath.
Most of the chicken dust bath ideas, are usually pretty simple. This one is no different, it just uses different materials. It is a great way to re-purpose a leaking rain barrel, and give it a new life in the chicken coop. Besides the barrel, there is really nothing else that you need which makes this a very affordable solution.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- 50 gallon rain barrel
- utility knife
- marker
- tape measure
- cinder blocks
Step By Step Instructions
Step 1.
Measure and mark a 8 X 20″ opening
on the side of your barrel.
Step 2.
Use the utility knife to cut out that
section from the barrel.
Step 3.
Fill your dust bath and you ready to go.
That’s all there is to it. You now just need to find a location, to sit your dust bath. Make sure that you secure it so that the dust bath, does not move around and spill the contents. The chickens will love their new play spot, and you should see them digging around in their bath.
You can watch the video below on A Bath To Get Dirty In ? – Dustbath For Chickens…
You can watch the video below on The Best Dust Bath For Chickens…