In some areas, rain and water is not always readily available with each growing season. Gardeners usually have to be very creative with their gardening methods, like building a drought pod.
It is basically just an easy to maintain mass organic passive system that provides both moisture and nutrients to your vegetables which you grow around it and not in it. The materials for this project should not cost you anything.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- spoiled alfalfa hay
- veggie waste compost
- rabbit manure
- worm castings plus worms
- super rich compost tea
- horse manure
- cow manure
- cardboard
- old plastic gallon barrel
- hand drill
- wheat straw hay (optional)
You may be lucky to find a discarded compost tumbler, like Ron did. However, if not you just can just go ahead and spend a few minutes to an hour drilling holes all around your plastic barrel. Tomatoes are a good vegetable to experiment with this system.
Instead of using the plastic barrel, you can also use a round bale feeder. Whatever you decide to use just make sure you have a gigantic organic mass, and this will reduce the number of times you have to water your pod.
You can find step by step instructions on the Mother Earth News blog, here…
DIY Plastic Barrel Drought Pod