DIY Gutterless Rain Barrel System

I know most people would just connect a hose to their homes gutter and collect rain water from them. There is another way though you can collect rain water and you do not need to have gutters. It is the gutterless rain barrel system, also known as the drain barrel. If you have a fear of heights you will be happy to know that this system is actually built at ground level, so you never have to get up on a ladder to attach hoses or barrel fixtures. For those already collection water from their gutters, why not add this too. You can never have too much water.

DIY Gutterless Rain Barrel System

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Cedar Decking boards
  • Clear Silicone Chaulk
  • Wood Screws
  • Containers
  • Hole saw
  • Drill
  • Tape Measure
  • 10′ PVC pipe
  • PVC conduits
  • Glue

The first step for this project is to build the trough using the cedar decking boards. You want to make sure that you seal all joints using the clear silicone chaulk. Then you want to measure the distance between each of your containers and drill the holes that will feed the water down to the containers. The PVC assembly that connects the trough to the containers is next. One of the last things you will do is build supporting legs for the whole system. Concrete is even recommended to keep it stable and steady during heavy rain storms.

You can follow step by step instructions on, here…

DIY Gutterless Rain Barrel Plans


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