DIY Chicken Corn Holder

You know when it is sweet fresh corn season, we usually have plenty available way more than we can consume or giveaway. I have found different ways to store some such as freezing the corn or even canning sweet corn. However, I am always open to new ideas on ways to enjoy our fresh corn, and the latest one I discovered is this diy chicken fresh corn holder.

Ok, so why did I fall in love with this idea? First of all, is the simplicity of the whole project. It is one of those ‘hey why didnt I think of that’ kinda projects. Secondly, I know I won’t be spending much if anything on this project. All I need to do is look around the homestead for the bits and pieces, and then set aside a few minutes to put everything together. I am sure the girls will be happy too, they will have a toy which is also a snack. It is the best of both worlds.

DIY Chicken Corn Holder
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • 2×4 plywood
  • wood screws or nails
  • cordless drill or hammer
  • metal rod
  • hacksaw
  • tape measure
  • marker
  • grinder (optional)

Step By Step Instructions

Step 1.

Measure and cut one one long plank about 2 to 3 feet
long for the base.

Step 2.

Measure and cut two sides/supports about 8 to 12
inches long.

Step 3.

On each of the supports, mark the center and then
draw a line using the marker about 3 inches going
down from the top.

Step 4.

Use your drill to carve out a small groove, about half
an inch deep using the line from the previous step as
your guide.

Step 5.

Attach the supports on either side of the base using
the drill and wood screws or nails.

Step 6.

Slide the metal rod, down the groove on either end of
the supports. It should be able to rotate freely when
in place.

In order to make it easier to thread the corn, I would recommend that you sharpen one end of the rod. That will then become the end that you use to pierce the corn when getting it onto the rod. Depending on the length of your rod, you could probably fit two or three cobs on there. Also, if you find it a little wobbly, you can screw on some extra supports between the base and the sides.


You can watch the video below on Chickens Eating Corn on the Cob…

You can watch the video below on Chickens Eating Cob of Corn…


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