Simple Fermented Lemonade Recipe

Tried and tested ole school recipes are fun and tasty. However, sometimes it is more fun to just try new versions like we did with the black lemonade recipe, in an earlier post. Also, after learning how to ferment lemons, I have since discovered this simple fermented lemonade recipe and added it to by arsenal of lemonade recipes.

Why ferment lemonade? Well, this gives it a huge probiotics boost and makes it even more nutritious. There are at least 3 different ways you can use to ferment your lemonade. You can use water kefir grains, ginger bug or lacto-fermenting methods. My favorite and probably the easiest method is the last one, and it will be the one we will use for this lemonade.

Simple Fermented Lemonade Recipe
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

The first thing, you should probably do is make the whey by placing some plain whole yogurt into the dish towel and tying it up to one of your kitchen cupboard doors. Then you simply let the whey drip and collect in the jar below. Add all the ingredients, including the whey into your gallon glass jar.

After filling up with water, screw on the lid and give it a good shake. Find a warm location to place the jar and let it sit for 48 to 72 hours. Store in your fridge after the first fermentation process. For a fizzy and bubbly batch, it is recommended that you ferment the lemonade a second time.

You can follow step by step instructions on the Raising Generation Nourished blog, here…

Simple Fermented Lemonade Recipe

You can watch the video below on fermented lemonade…

You can watch the video below on lacto fermented lemonade…

You can watch the video below on how to make fermented lemonade…


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