How To Sprout Lentils For Your Chickens

I remember the days when I only fed my chickens homemade grains only, because I did not know how important it was to include some greens too. Recently I learnt how to easily sprout lentils for my chickens and the girls love them.

You can grow them on your windowsill even in winter and scale up the method and sprout as much or as little as you need. Instead of feeding your chickens, you can also use these sprouts in your own salads and dishes.

How To Sprout Lentils For Your Chickens
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • lentils
  • mason jar
  • air tight container
  • water
  • cheesecloth
  • rubber band
  • large bowl

Although you can use any type of lentils, make sure they are whole beans and not damaged. Also make sure you have no stones or damaged beans. The initial stage is a 8 to 12 hour soak in a large bowl filled with water. Do not fill your jars more than a third of the way as you will restrict growth of the sprouts.

There is a twice daily task of rinsing the lentils for about 5 days before your sprouts are ready. I like to do it in the morning and in the evening just before I leave the kitchen. Also shake and turn jar upside down after each rinse. You will know your sprouts are ready when green leaves escape and begin to unfold.

You can follow step by step instructions on Honest Fare blog, here…

How To Sprout Lentils For Your Chickens


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