How To Grow Kiwi Fruit From Seeds

Have you ever tried kiwis? They have that tangy sweet and sort of sour taste that you can never have enough of. I got some kiwis the other day from the farmers market, so this I decided the time had come to finally learn on how to grow kiwi fruit from seed.

Let me be frank and warn before you tackle growing kiwis, especially from seed that they are apparently difficult to grow. This is because you have to grow them from very tiny seeds. Kiwi trees need a male and a female tree to make fruit, so you will need to grow five female vines close to one male vine.

How To Grow Kiwi Fruit From Seeds

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • fresh kiwis
  • cutting board
  • sharp knife
  • paper towel
  • small bowl
  • water
  • air tight container with lid
  • small container
  • potting soil
  • organic fertilizer
  • trellis
  • bamboo or wood pole
  • ziploc bags (optional)

Step By Step Instructions

Step 1: Cut your fresh kiwi into quarters, this will help you when
you scraping the seeds out to be able to get them from all four sides.

How To Grow Kiwi From Seed

Step 2: Run your knife down the sides where your seeds are and
collect them on the cutting board.

How To Grow Kiwi From Seed

Step 3: Put the seeds in a small bowl, and rinse with water over
the sink as many times as possible. Then drain the water out.

How To Grow Kiwi From Seed

Step 4: Take two sheets of paper towel, and place your rinsed
seeds onto on top section.

How To Grow Kiwi From Seed

Step 5: Fold the paper towel into half and then into quarters,
before rinsing thoroughly it in water.

Step 6: Place the folded paper towel into your air tight Tupperware
container with a clear lid that allows sunlight into the container.
You can also use Ziploc bags.

How To Grow Kiwi From Seed

Step 7: Put away the container in a place that receives sunshine,
and leave it out there for a few weeks until the seeds start to sprout.

If you start to get any mold on your paper towel just switch it out with a new one. Once the seeds have germinated and have at least two leaves transfer to your small pot on a small section of paper towel.

Place the section of paper towel with the seedling on top of the soil, before covering them up with more soil. You can plant up to 4 seedlings in a pot, expect 25% survival rate at least. Make sure you plant them in the top section, not too deep to increase the chances of survival.

How do know whether you have a male or female kiwi plant? Female kiwi plant flowers have long sticky stigmas radiating out from the center of the bloom, do not produce pollen and have bright white ovaries at the base of the flower. Male kiwi flowers have a brilliantly colored yellow center. The plants themselves grow wilder and larger than the female ones.

You can watch the video below on how to grow kiwi fruit from seed…

You can watch the video below on how to transplant kiwi trees…


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