How To Grow Jalapenos In A Pot

Jalapenos are not too hot but allow you to add a little spice to your dishes. You can grow jalapenos in a pot or container, both indoors and outdoors.

The process itself is pretty straight forward, not complicated at all. You just need a little patience whilst waiting for your peppers to mature.

How To Grow Jalapenos In A Pot

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • jalapeno seedling or seeds
  • small containers for seeds
  • large Terra Cotta container
  • organic potting soil
  • organic fertilizer
  • compost (optional)

If you are going to grow your jalapenos from seed, plant two to three seeds 1/4 of an inch deep in a small container filled with potting soil. Keep soil moist in a warm area, with limited light and it will take 2 to 3 weeks for seeds to germinate.

As your plants grow, they should be transplanted to a bigger pot. Initially you can transplant every 14 to 20 days. The last transplant to the bigger Terra Cotta pot should be after about 60 days.

Like most other types of peppers Jalapenos grow best in warm temperatures at least 70 degrees F. You should also keep your pot in an area that gets full sun i.e. 8 to 10 hours daily and make sure you water your plant regularly.

Expect to start harvesting your jalapenos in about 90 to 120 days. The green jalapenos will be ready first and if you wait longer then the peppers begin to ripen turning red. Increase your harvest by simply picking the peppers when green, more blossoms will occur.

You can get more information & tips on Hubpages, here…

Growing Jalapenos In A Pot


Watch the video below, for how to transplant Jalapeno seedlings


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