How To Dehydrate Tomatoes

What do you do with a whole bunch of surplus ripe tomatoes? You can can your tomatoes or learn how to dehydrate tomatoes, and store them for longer periods of time.

It does not seem to be a difficult process, at all. Most of the hard work is done by the dehydrator.

How To Dehydrate Tomatoes
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • fresh ripe tomatoes
  • food dehydrator
  • olive oil
  • italian seasonings
  • air tight container (optional)
  • mason jars (optional)

Wash your tomatoes before you begin dehydrating them. Depending on how thick your tomatoes are, drying should take anywhere from 6 to 10 hours. The longer you dry them, the longer you will be able to store them.

If you leave tomatoes chewy, they can store in an airtight container in your fridge for about 30 days. To extend their life to a year or so, store in mason jars in the freezer.

You can follow step by step instructions on One Hundred Dollars A Month blog, here…

How To Dehydrate Your Tomatoes


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