How To Build A Vertical Garden From Gutters

A vertical garden from rain gutters, you say? Ummmm hmmm, it seems Suzanne really had no other option for gardening around her house mostly due to weather conditions and partially pets. The system she came with to adopt to her situation, is indeed very ingenious, as you can see from the picture below. Luckily she documented all the required steps, so that you and I can also try this gutter vertical gardening system.

DIY Vertical Garden From Gutters

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  •  Gutters
  • Miracle Grow Soil
  • Cordless Drill
  • Time Release Fertilizer
  • Screws

She did not attempt to build this by herself, she asked for help from her husband. For those who do not have significant others, you could always ask a friend to help you set this up. It looks like a pretty simple system to build, the maintenance involves mostly watering your vegetables to keep the soil damp at all times. Does it work? Well you can see a picture of the salad she made, from veggies from that garden on her blog.

Here are the full instructions, as written by Suzanne herself…

How To Build A Vertical Garden From Gutters


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