Growing Tomatoes Indoors In Winter

We all love our summer gardens, but come winter most of us turn to our canned or dried fruits and vegetables. What if I told you, you can grow tomatoes indoors in winter? Would that encourage you to try grow your own tomatoes during the winter months so that you can enjoy fresh tomatoes all year long. The best type of tomatoes to grow during the cold seasons are the cherry or plum varieties that bear a lot of fruit and continue producing as well as growing indefinitely. Specific varieties are the Yellow Pear, Tommy Toe and Pink Ping Pong.  You can expect one  plant to produces about one pint of cherry or pear tomatoes every other day.

How To Grow Tomatoes Indoors In Winter

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Tomato seeds or cuttings
  • 5 or 10 gallon container
  • String
  • Nails
  • Fertilizer
  • Potting Soil
  • Water

You have to find an area indoors which gets a lot of sunlight. The best locations tend to be areas with large windows that go as far floor to ceiling as is possible. Also those windows that face south in the northern hemisphere are a better choice. The best time to start your plants is at the end of summer and you can choose to grow your tomatoes from seeds or cuttings. Use regular fertilizer for your plants. Keep an eye out for all the various pests that may attack your plants too. If your plant survives the whole winter season, you can then use this same plant for cuttings for your summer garden when spring comes along.

You can get more information on the Mother Earth News blog, here…

How To Grow Tomatoes In Winter


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