Growing Carrots In Containers

Although I have a lot of gardening space, I love to experiment with growing stuff especially vegetables in containers too. Do you know how to grow carrots in a container? This would be perfect for all container gardeners or those with limited space or those like me who just like growing stuff in containers too.

The secret to being successful with your container carrots is using a container that is deep enough to allow them to mature. Although most varieties can be grown in containers, Paris Market is a popular one. It matures in very early in about 2 months and has roots that are a round about 1 to 2″ in size.

How To Grow Carrots In Containers
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Carrot Seeds
  • Potting Soil
  • 12″ Deep Container
  • Organic Fertilizer

You can use any container from terra cotta pots, to wooden boxes or even old metal buckets. Just make sure they allow for drainage from the bottom. Fill your container with potting soil, leaving about 3″ at the top. Apply your fertilizer before planting your carrots, following the directions on the packaging.

The first time you water the container make sure the seeds settle well within in the potting soil. Leave the container in a place that gets a lot of sunshine. Keep your container well watered and add more liquid fertilizer every 10 days. If you plant a new container bi-weekly, you can almost guarantee a constant supply of fresh carrots all summer long.

You can get step by step instructions on the BC living blog, here…

How To Grow Carrots In Containers


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