Canning Green Beans

Most people I know tend to freeze their green beans for long term storage. However, canning green beans is also a great way to preserve them for months on end.

Canning Green Beans
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • pressure canner
  • large stock pot
  • small sauce pan
  • mason jars with lids and rings
  • canning salt
  • jar lifter
  • magnetic lid wand
  • canning funnel
  • measuring spoons
  • old towels or scrap rags

Before you begin the canning process, rinse your beans to remove any loose soil. The stem ends, any strings or bad places must also be broken off. Also cut or break the beans into one inche lengths.

The actual canning process is about 60 minutes per batch. After your jars have cooled always check to make sure that they have been properly sealed. Store in a cool dry place.

You can follow step by step on Self Sufficiency Food Skills, here…

How To Can Your Green Beans


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