Canning Chicken Pot Pie Base

Does your family love chicken pot pie too? Well, you can save yourself some time and effort by simply canning the chicken pot pie base, before hand. When you need it just heat it up, add some Clear Jel for thickening before placing it onto the crust.

You will need your pressure canner for this raw pack canning recipe. All of the ingredients are canned raw, you do not even need to heat them. I guess they will cook once, you put them in the pie crust. The chicken pot pie recipe is also included at the link at the bottom, if you need it.

Canning Chicken Pot Pie Base Recipe
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • carrots
  • celery
  • onion
  • frozen peas
  • chicken
  • mixed dried herbs – thyme, parsley, basil
  • salt and pepper
  • water
  • pressure canner
  • canning mason jars
  • stainless steel pot
  • dish towel
  • funnel
  • bubble remover
  • paper towel
  • vinegar
  • magic wand
  • marker (optional)

As with every canning recipe, the very first thing you need to do is sanitize your jars and make sure they stay hot for packing. Then peel and chop your vegetables and chicken whilst the water is boiling in the large stainless steel pot. Fill each jar with half a cup of chicken and half a cup of mixed vegetables, use the funnel if necessary.

Season the jar contents with mixed herbs, salt and pepper. Pour in the boiling water to about an inch below the rim and use the bubble remover to remove any bubbles. All rims should be wiped before the lids and the rings are screwed onto each jar.

Pint jars are processed for 75 minutes at 10 lbs pressure, quarts are processed for 90 minutes. Allow the pressure to drop to zero before removing jars and placing on a dishtowel. They will start pinging within a few minutes as the jars seal. Leave them overnight and and dont forget to label them in the morning.

You can follow step by step instructions on SB Canning blog, here…

Canning Chicken Pot Pie Base


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