How To Ferment Lemons

How To Ferment Lemons

September 26, 2017May0

Fermenting different stuff is something that I am still trying get of hang. I mean I have dabbled with it in the past like when […]

How To Preserve Nuts In Jars

How To Preserve Nuts In Jars

September 19, 2017May0

If you have any type of nuts, then you can go ahead and use this method for preserving them. We successfully grew some peanuts and […]

Black Lemonade Recipe

Black Lemonade Recipe

September 18, 2017May0

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade black, right? You know I like to feature stuff that is a bit out of the ordinary […]

How To Grow Tangerines

How To Grow Tangerines

September 16, 2017May0

Yeah, today was one of those days when I am sitting out on the porch and I look out and notice one of trees. It […]

DIY Wooden Outdoor Shower

DIY Wooden Outdoor Shower

September 15, 2017May0

They say cleanliness is next to godliness, which might explain why over the years I have featured many different shower designs on this blog. From […]

Vegetable Garden Sunlight Chart

Vegetable Garden Sunlight Guide

September 13, 2017May0

How important is sunlight for your vegetable garden? Well we all know that plants need water and sunlight to grow. However, most people just assume […]